Data Processing Practice Tests – Word Processing

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In Microsoft word, clicking the left button of the mouse twice successively highlights _______

A. a sentence.     B. close sentences.      C. the first page     D. the whole paragraph

In Word Processing, the icon above is used for _________ (WASSCE 2014)

A. paging      B. line spacing.      C. numbering     D. bulleting

Which of the following is the order of opening an MS-Word application? (NECO 2014)

A. Click on all program------Navigate to Microsoft office-----click on Microsoft word ------ click on start
B. Click on all program -------Navigate to Microsoft word -----click on Microsoft office ----click on start
C. Click on start ------ Navigate to all program----- Navigate to Microsoft office-----click on Microsoft word
D. Click on Microsoft word ------- click on start----- Navigate to all program------ click on Microsoft office

Principal uses of word processing software packages include: (WASSCE 2016 CS)

I. preparing deft articles for publication;
II. preparing reports for top management;
III. preparing accounts; IV. preparing organization’s newsletter.

A. I, II and IV only      B. I, III and IV only      C. II, III and IV only     D. I, II, III and IV

In Microsoft word, the function key used for spell checking is _______

A. F3.     B. F4.     C. F5.     D. F7

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