Data Processing Practice Tests – Networking

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The exchange of information over a network follow a set of rules called _________ (WASSCE 2015)

A. transmission rules.      B. transfer rules.      C. channels.      D. protocols

In a ring topology where data is transmitted both clockwise and anticlockwise routes, a break in the network cable will _______

A. shut down the entire network
B. shut down devices on the anticlockwise route
C. shut down devices on the clockwise route
D. have no effect on devices on the network

The type of network topology in which broadcast message is sent to the backbone wire and only the intended recipient accept and process message is ______

A. star topology      B. mesh topology      C. tree topology      D. bus topology

The transfer of information between computer systems without any physical connection is called _______ (NECO 2017)

A. direct broadcast. 
B. point to point service. 
C. satellite communication.
D. wireless communication.

Which of these network devices limit the amount of bandwidth users can share?

A. Hub      B. Network Interface Card      C. Switch      D. Optic Fibre Cable


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