UTME CBT FREE Practice Test – Biology (Questions with Answers and Explanations)

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Which of the following statements about sex-linked characters is not true?

A. They are usually borne on the X- chromosome
B. They are more common in males
C. Males are usually carriers
D. They are not usually carried on the Y-chromosomes


For pollen to be released in Crotalaria the insect must depress the _______

A. wing   B. keel    C. standard   D. antepetalous stame


The enzyme ptyalin acts on carbohydrate food in the _______

A. oesophagus.    B. large intestine.    C. mouth.    D. small intestine


Which of the organisms represented are notable agricultural pests?

A. II and III    B. I and III    C. II and IV   D. I and IV


Carefully study the diagram below

The part labelled VI is used for _______

A. excretion.    B. locomotion.    C. nutrition.    D. reproduction.


The part of the mammalian ear responsible for the maintenance of balance is the ______

A. perilymph   B. ossicles   C. cochlea   D. pinna.


In nature, plants and animals are perpetually engaged in mutualism because

A. they utilize respiratory wastes of each other
B. they are neighbours
C. they are rivals
D. all animals rely on food produced by plants.


The stream fine shape of fishes is an adaptation for ______

A. securing mates.    B. easy movement.    C. obtaining food.    D. defense and attack.


The most important plant hormone is ______

A. Auxin   B. Gibberellins  C. Cytokinin   D. Abscisic acid


I. Test tube containing cane sugar and water
II. Test tube containing cane sugar and dilute acid
III. Test tube containing cane sugar and its degrading enzyme

The enzyme involved in the hydrolysis is _______

A. sucrose   B. maltase.   C. rennin   D. erepsin.


The organs for attachment to the lining of the host’s intestine are labelled ______

A. I and Ill.   B. III and IV.   C. I and II.    D. II and III.


Deoxygenated blood is transported to the lungs through the ______

A. hepatic portal vein.   B. pulmonary artery.    C. pulmonary vein.   D. renal artery


The structural adaptation of desert plants for water conservation is ________

A. Spiny leaves
B. Prominent stomata in leaves
C. Broad leaves with numerous stomata
D. Spongy mesophyll


Which of the following is the simplest living organism?

A. Amoeba   B. Chlamydomonas   C. Paramacium   D. Virus


A community reaches a climax when _______

A. only pioneer organisms are present
B. new habitats are constantly being formed.
C. there is an introduction of new plants and animal species within the community.
D. the composition and size of a community remains constant over a long period


The diagram below illustrates a part of the mammalian skeleton.

The pail of the mammalian skeleton illustrated in the diagram is the

A. atlas vertebrae    B. axis vertebrae    C. cervical vertebrae    D. thoracic vertebrae


Proboscis is a structure that is mostly found in _______

A. Amphibians   B. Molluscs   C. Insects   D. Tapeworms


Which of the following organisms is an endo-parasite?

A. Tapeworm    B. Flea    C. Tick    D Aphid


The special pigment for colour change in chameleon is _______

A. Chromatin   B. Chromatophore   C. Melanin   D. Carotenoid


The eye defect caused by the development of cloudy areas in the lenses is ______

A. Cataract   B. Astigmatism   C. Presbyopia   D. Glaucoma


In mammals, the exchange of nutrients and metabolic products occurs in the

A. trachea   B. lymph   C. lungs   D. oesophagus.


Bryophytes are different from flower because they _____

A. live in moist habitats
B. have no vascular tissues.
C. reproduce sexually and asexually
D. have small leaves


The origin of mineral particles in the soil is ______

A. humus    B. organic matter   C. micro-organisms   D. weathered rock


Water in plants is removed as water vapour through the process of _______

A. diffusion.   B. osmosis.   C. evaporation.   D. transpiration.


Study the diagram below:

In which type of soil is the plant found? Soil that is

A. poorly aerated.    B. water logged.    C. exposed.    D. nitrogen deficient


The sensory cell that responds to dim light is referred to as the ______

a. Rod   b. Iris   c. Cone   d. Lens


The part marked X is used for

A. breathing.    B. feeding.    C. reproduction.    D. sucking


Which of the following is the most complex according to their cellular level of organization?

A. Heart.   B. Hair.   C. Euglena.   D. Hydra.


The gas evolved in the process is

A. oxygen   B. carbon (II) oxide   C. carbon (IV) oxide   D. nitrogen.


The diagram below is an illustration of a crocodile.

Which of the labelled parts enable the animal to stay under water most of the time?

A. l, IV and V     B. I, II and V    C. I, III and IV    D. lll, IV and V


The coiled mouthparts of a butterfly is called ______

A. labrum.    B. palps.    C. proboscis.    D. rostrum.


Which of these vertebrae has an odontoid process?

A. Atlas   B. Axis    C. Lumbar     D. Sacral


Which of the following statements about human blood groups is not true?

A. A is dominant over B      B. O is recessive      C. B is dominant over O      D. A and B are co-dominant


Coordination and regulation of body activities in mammals are achieved by the ______

A. nerves and muscles.   B. nerves and hormones.   C. nerves only.   D. hormones only.


The function of lymph nodes is to ______

A. supply oxygen      B. filter out bacteria      C. form red blood cells      D. supply amino acids     


A person suffering from obstruction of the bile duct is advised not to cat fats and oil because

A. bile digests fats and oil.
B. fats and oil can only be absorbed when bile is absent.
C. bile emulsifies fats and oil.
D. bile adds water to digesting food


The main structure in vertebrates that supports and protects the body is the _______

A. Muscle   B. Joint   C. Skeleton   D. Ligament


Which of the following groups of environmental factors are density dependent?

A. Food, predation, disease and accumulation of metabolites.
B. Temperature, food, disease and light.
C. Food, salinity, accumulation of metabolites and light.
D. Temperature, salinity, predation and disease.


Which of the following hormonal glands is located on top of the kidneys?

A. Adrenal    B. Gonads    C. Pancreas     D. Pituitary


At what stage in the life history of a toad is its mode of breathing similar to that of a fish?

A. Tadpole stage    B. External gill stage    C. Adult stage     D. Internal gill stage

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