Literature In English Practice Tests (Literary Appreciation) Questions with Answers and Explanations

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'Oshor"... Winds howl forth-howl forth,
hold back hold back-is it the time10
on endless time-slung in oblivion,
make minced meat of your prey.'
Charity Angya, The Cycle of the Moon.

The literary device used is _____

A. parallelism    B. irony    C. onomatopoeia    D. repetition

In literary convention, 'aside' is used to _____

A. distinguished between events
B. emphasize scenes as different from acts
C. gossip about other characters
D. make a pointed remark

'Thomas Gradgrind, sir. A man of realities.
A man of facts and calculations. A man who
proceeds upon the principle that two and
two are four, and nothing over, and who is
not to be talked into allowing for anything over.'

- Charles Dickens, Hard Times.

From the passage above, Thoms Gradgrind is ____

A. dogmatic    B. hostile    C. theoretical    D. eloquent

'My brother you flash your teeth in
response to every hypocrisy
My brother with gold-rimmed glasses
You give your master a blue-eyed faithful look
My poor brother in immaculate evening dress
Screaming and whispering and pleading in
the parlours of condescension'

- D. Diop: The Renegade

The poet's attitude here is _______

A. paradoxical    B. envious    C. ironical    D. sarcastic

The form of poetry that celebrates with nostalgia the ideal world of the countryside is referred to as _____

A. a ballad    B. an ode    C. a pastoral    D. an elegy



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